
Let’s Work Together

Ubiquitous Colonies

Parasitic Organisms & Computational Intelligence

Ars Electronica, 2020, & the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2021

Parametric modeling, realtime generative media, sentiment analysis, computer vision

Certain colonial organisms tend to establish control in environments that provide attractive qualities, such as plentiful nutrition, rich stimuli, and risk-free surroundings, and to extend their bodies and functions to their maximum capacity with an ultimate goal to survive and further evolve. In this instance, we observe the parasitic computational medium transcending into physicality by occupying the architectural host, as the over-saturated blending of strong A.I., biochemistry, and nanotechnology generates unprecedented pathways originally unintended by the human creators. The resulting autonomous emergent structure colonizes architecture, consciously responds, and further explores its cymbiotic (cybernetic symbiosis) relationship with the space’s inhabitants.

This project considers a near future (or alternative present) in which ubiquitous computing manifests into the physical space, and extends the architectural structure as a hybrid system that augments computational intelligence and media with an intention to explore this new reality that challenges its own understanding and status quo. The built environment shifts, and through the physical manifestation of ubicomp, we experience colonized agents that set new possibilities, challenges, and methods for empathy and co-habitation.

For further info please visit this link.