Motion Tracking in Processing
In this example, you will be able to develop a basic computer vision application that uses a live camera feed to track created motion using Processing.
Reverb Unit
This example here demonstrates how to develop a DSP reverberation algorithm in Max/MSP.
Sound Synthesis in MaxMSP
This post includes code examples in MaxMSP, demonstrating basic principles of audio digital signal processing and sound synthesis.
SMU Processing Workshop
Workshop on Computational Media and Creative Programming, 8-20.4.2014, Shanghai Shanghai Maritime University, College of Arts and Sciences Workshop code examples accessible on GitHub.
Mobile Streaming Video
This tutorial demonstrates how to develop a streaming video application, using a mobile phone, Processing, and Max.
Objects of Affect: the Domestication of Ubiquity
Phillips, M. and Didakis, S. (2013), ‘Objects of affect: The Domestication of Ubiquity’, Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 11: 3, pp. 307–317, doi: 10.1386/tear.11.3.307_1.
The Myth of Symbiosis, Trasparency, and Psychotropy within the Built Environment
Didakis, S. (2011), ‘The Myth of Symbiosis, Psychotropy and Transparency within the Built Environment’, Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 9: 2+3, pp. 313–319, doi: 10.1386/tear.9.2-3.313_1
Sound & Space
Excerpt from Stavros Didakis’ Master Thesis with the title “A Framework for Interactive Sonic Design into Architectural Spaces”, Sonic Arts Research Center, Queen’s University, Belfast, 2007.
A Framework for Interactive Sonic Design into Architectural Spaces
Didakis, S. (2007) 'A Framework for Interactive Sonic Design into Architectural Spaces", Master Thesis, Queen's University of Belfast, 2007, Belfast, UK.
The Cube: An Audiovisual Interactive Installation
Didakis, S. (2007) 'The Cube: An Audiovisual Interactive Installation', in Proceedings of the 4th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC'07, 11-13 July 2007, Lefkada, Greece.